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Thursday, September 08, 2016
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ONE-MINUTE MENTOR – 04-05-2017
By: Melissa Veeser
I believe most people have a deep, inherent desire to help and assist others in their journey of growth and self-empowerment. Heart calls us. This beautiful basic instinct is at the core of humanity. Personal and professionally. We ‘show up’ and ‘show how’.
I also believe our soul guides and nudges us. ‘Shows up’ for us. When we notice these nudges, we feel lighter, energetic, peace and strength. We want others to experience this too. This growth of gratitude feels great, surely everyone wants this too?
You start bending again…
You are at the next ‘level’ of learning and accepting what ‘is’. You are now past that old, fear-based hurdle which was strategically placed, and perhaps reintroduced throughout your life. Over, and over…
This is your own personal ‘Soul Growth’ moment. Perhaps the desire and need we have to bring others along with us during these great moments: aren’t for or about them. They have their own journey – and they alone are responsible for it. Really hard not to bend more….
No, these gifts of epiphanies are yours to savor, enjoy, and embrace. Sometimes the best ‘teachers’ are those that are ‘stuck’ and ‘unbendable’ and difficult at times. They can teach us to let go and reassess our own needs, direction, and life – purposes. Enjoy our ‘Aha!’ moment, these guided ‘shoulder taps’. They are ours. Personal, specific, and purposeful. Fabulous, sacred gifts.
Allow yourself to not always ‘bend’ toward another or situation that is not yours to bend to. It’s theirs, move on. Realizing that you do show up and knowing when to ‘bow out’- versus bending more…this is growth and freedom for you and them.
Enjoy being the magnificent person that you are. Remember to give to yourself. Sometimes, (Okay…a lot of times), I have difficulty with this. I recall a great story Wayne Dyer shared about the person who wanted to help the butterfly struggling to release itself from the cocoon faster. He helped ‘release’ it sooner so it would not have to struggle so much…only to realize what his deed with good intention had done. The butterfly hadn’t fully developed and was ‘crippled.’ He could not spread his wings, he was permanently damaged. He later learned that it was in those last few moments of the chrysalis process – were the most critical to becoming it’s final beautiful self. During those moments of ‘struggle’ – the butterfly pushes the fluids out, enabling it to ‘wing’ and be fully developed. He learned ‘doing for’ as he did, hurt instead of helped. This story helps me ‘step back’ and reminds me to ‘bow’ versus ‘bend’. It serves no one and can be detrimental for their soul’s growth. (This helps me to ‘check’ myself when I have doubts or am unsure).
I encourage you to allow yourself permission to say: This one is about me…my journey…my ‘moment of growth’. Smile and step into your next level.
You are beautiful and deserving – so take a bow today- for you!
Melissa Veeser is owner of Jeanie Premium Products, Inc. and a member of the OWA Mentoring Committee. She is a best-selling author and is working on Volume 2 of Heart Hero – a series of ‘hope and healing’ children’s books. She can be reached at: Melissa@JeanieDiamondTooling.com
“The truth about the world, ourselves, life purpose - it all comes down to healing.”
Anthony William – Author of Medical Medium
By: Melissa Veeser
I don't have a dog, but you wouldn't know it on this particular day. The week seemed much longer and it was only Tuesday. I had been working long hours, like so many of us do, and setting aside my "recharge me" time. I was in a fog, with my personal fuel gauge on "E" for a few days while trying to catch up on projects at work.
I got in to the wrong cart that day. Not once, but twice. Neither was even the same make or color of car as mine, which helped me to explain it away and be excused. The first time was at my post office after a morning appointment. When I realized the stuffed dog under my purse on the passenger seat did not belong to me, a slow-motion awareness crept in as I put one leg out of the door to exit the car. I was greeted by a very unamused woman, glaring at me. I stood there catching flies with my gaping mouth but no words would come out - not even a mumbled apology. The second time was three hours later at my card dealership. The woman in the service department pointed outside to the vehicle and said, "Honey, you are all set - he's bringing your car up front for you." I thanked her and proceeded to settle my "foggy self" into the car - only then to be greeted by a very excitable Black Lab in the back seat, barking and jumping (and no more amused than the lady was earlier at the post office). I screamed and the dog barked even more. Once again, I made my hasty exit from the car and back into the building where the dealership staffs attempt at suppressed laughter awaited me. We laughed together about that, and laughed even more after I shared with them my faux pas from earlier in the day. Later that evening, the reality of the day's events set in and the lesson was clear.
If you are so preoccupied and already that deep into tomorrow or next weeks projects, tasks, and etc. - check yourself. Looking at the previous few weeks, I had compromised my own promises and commitments to myself. Again. The "old me" was creeping back in. I was showing up for everything else and everyone who asked, but had once again forgotten about myself. Running through a self-check list, I realized I had forsaken my workouts and canceled my trainer on 5 our of 9 days. My real/organic eating habits had fallen at the wayside. I was sleeping about 4 hours each night, on average. I was also emotionally taking on other people's issues and worries.
I hit my "reset" button and jumped back into the self-care routine I had unintentionally deserted. I am busier now than I was before, but by keeping those mini-me commitments, I am able to show up in a much more focused and effective way. It doesn't have to be anything extreme, start out small. Try 30 minutes of exercise (which by the way is only 2% of your day!). Slowly cut out processed and fast foods. Take a lunch, take a long weekend - whatever you need for you. Showing up is important, but showing up as your higher-self is purposefully awesome!
Melissa Veeser is the owner of Jeanie Premium Products, Inc., and a member of Mentoring Committee. She has co-authored a book with Jack Canfield and other business owners. You can reach her at Melissa@JeanieDiamondTooling.com.
Inspirational Quote: " A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink" -Gina Carey, The Soul Singer.
Article in LabTalk magazine – ReTooling
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
By Melissa Veeser
As Published in the March/April 2013 edition of Labtalk Magazine. See the article at www.LabTalkOnline.com
While many labs have the same equipment and process similar materials, each lab can have its own challenges when it comes to re-tooling. Finding dependable suppliers, consistent quality, fair pricing of your diamond tooling, and inventory management/stock reduction programs (IMSRP) can all be different. But labs have options. Below are some helpful solutions many labs have implemented with great success.
These items can range from $1200 to $3800 each. Ouch. Once used, many labs replace it with another new cutter. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Labs can reduce their costs by regrinding or reblading these items. Labs can save over 60 to 70 percent on relapping, and over 50 percent on new tooling using the PCD reblade program. Multiply this by the number of tools you use each year, not to mention reduction in tool scrap, and you are well on your way to some serious savings. It is important to mention it is not an easy process or one that most can do correctly and effectively. It takes the proper equipment, quality diamonds, and balancing. You need your tooling reworked while keeping the specs you require, without compromising surface finish on your lenses. Over the years, we have corrected previously reworked cutters; bringing them back to life and onto your production fl oor. You should expect a reworked cutter to be consistently close to or meet the quality of a new cutter. We recommend labs implement a relapping/regrinding program into their IMSRP if they don’t already have one in place. “By implementing our new IMSRP, we have saved significant money without compromising quality. Our six-tooth reblades are running at 100,000 cuts; just like a new cutter. We value the ease-of-install and use on these products, the pleasantly predictable results, and the consistency and predictability. This is what we needed,” said Chad Schlosser, director of maintenance, DBL Lab.
Both types of v-cutters have their purpose. Finding your application niche for either type without taking out a small loan to purchase the Diamond style is not as difficult as it seems. Labs don’t have to spend over $200 for a high-quality diamond v-cutter, or over $10 for a premiere carbide v-cutter. We have seen many labs struggle with lack of consistency on their cutters. This creates additional cost in their production, coupled with empty promises of number of cuts that can be expected. When shopping around, look for a dual-polish on the carbide and expect a clean, consistent lens edge every time. We have labs that have reduced their calibration time from 15 minutes down to four using both PCD Diamond and Carbide blades. “Here again, we have consistent blades. This has cut down on our calibration time. Our operators know what to expect,”said Schlosser. “Tolerances are maintained for a perfect blade every time. My operators know they’re a good fit every time.”
The natural diamond market has pricing all over the map that can make your head spin. There is no need to compromise quality for price. Shop around and keep your eyes open. It is not necessary to spend over $700 for a good tool. Again, consistent quality and a trusted, innovative supplier are key. Are the tools you are getting perhaps previously used? What shape diamond do you need to avoid down time? Are you taking advantage of the 95 percent savings you’ll get with relapping them? You should get more than a few relaps pertool. Are you doing any free-form? Using natural or synthetic diamond turning tools? Both have their advantages, with new developments coming out in June of 2013. This new development is generating extensive life over existing turning tools. Stay tuned. “We have learned that we can expect more than a few relaps per turning tool. This is a mandatory component of our IMSRP.
What is your bottom line? Take a look around. Check your desk drawers and tool cabinets. Did you find some PCD milling cutters collecting dust bunnies? Shake those bunnies off and send them in for rework. By reworking your old tools you will now have back-ups waiting in the cabinet ready to re-turn to service.
Jeanie Premium Products Offers Retooling Rotation Program for Labs
Product: Retooling Rotation Program
Top Line: In addition to providing labs with new tooling on-demand, Jeanie Premium Products now offers a program to help labs manage their diamond tooling supply and inventory.
Close Up: Labs send their used tooling to Jeanie on a blanket order for relap and reblade, includes 6, 8, and 12 Tooth milling cutters. Jeanie completes all the work requited, releasing only what the lab needs. The company will stock additional tooling and then release it to the lab in 30 days. "This program has proven to help the labs manage their tooling inventory as well as stay within budget, " said Melissa Veeser, owner of Jeanie Premium Products. "They send all of their used milling cutters in early, knowing it will be ready to ship to them when they need it. They love it because they get their cutters back, are able to better manage their tooling needs and improve their inventory management."
Vital Stats: Reduces inventory. Eliminates delivery times. Ensures labs get their tools back. Saves time and money by reducing costs.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​MELISSA VEESER began selling chemicals and coolants 20 years ago. In 2001, she established her own company and five years ago moved into the diamond tooling market. She started marketing to the ophthalmic industry working with Dave Hunter, a peer. The two friends decided to improve the diamond tooling market by selling long-life diamonds for milling cutters. Now, almost 50% of their business comes from optical.
Issue Date: OLP July 2014
Carol Gilhawley of OLP talks to Melissa Veeser, president, Jeanie Premium Products, Inc.
A. I set up Jeanie Premium Products in 2001 to sell chemicals and coolants, which we still do today, and I named the company after my mother. In 2009, we branched out into the ophthalmic industry with a full line of high-quality diamond tools. As we entered the market, we saw a large demand and a need for what we were doing. We provide relapping, reworking, and upcycling for tooling on all machines. Regardless of whether they are new or old, machines need new diamonds or to renew their existing diamonds. About 95% of a lab’s older equipment such as edgers, finishers, and generators use diamond and carbide tooling so we are happy to service them.
We also have our own line of precision milling cutters and we can take another manufacturer’s milling cutters, relap them, and provide partial and full (PCD) reblades to improve lens processing time.
MELISSA Our relapping and reblading business has really taken off and now 50% of our business is in the ophthalmic category. The remainder of the business comes from the medical, military defense, electronic, and aerospace industries.
MELISSA Our objective is to improve the diamond tooling market by selling high-quality, long-life diamonds. We offer strong customer service and high-quality diamonds at competitive prices. Our customers know they will be taken care of. In addition, all of our business is done in the U.S. Individual labs and some OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) send their tooling to us. We track every piece we receive and we ensure that customers get their own original tool back. We rework the tools and bring them to OEM specifications. Business primarily comes from word of mouth.
MELISSA In addition to the standard natural and synthetic diamond tooling, we recently introduced a longer life diamond, the JP LL48, for 6-, 8-, and 12-tooth milling cutters. Labs that tested and use the new diamond find they get a minimum of 25% to 30% more cuts than with a standard milling cutter. We’ve gone from relapping and reblading into long-life diamonds. This is a sister idea to our JP GOLD LL47—Long Life Diamond Turning Tool product line—available in shanks and various insert styles. We also correct tooling for our customers that was done improperly elsewhere. We can help OEMs and individual labs save thousands of dollars. We can fix a tool for about a third of the cost of buying a new one.
MELISSA We are located in Wayzata, MN. All sales and marketing programs are handled through this office. We keep inventory on all the popular diamond tools ready for same-day shipping. Items that need relapping, reblading, or reworking are handled through our office as well. We have a two- to three-week turnaround for reworked tools and four weeks for reblades. Labs can work with that.
MELISSA We have some labs doing free-form that use our diamond tooling. Last year, we introduced a long life diamond, JP GOLD LL47 for turning tools, which has two to three times longer life span than a natural or synthetic diamond. This is a great product that works, helps save money, and relieves a lab executive’s stress. Our focus is to bring new developments to the industry to make diamond tooling more efficient and better.