FAQ- Ophthalmic Products
How many cuts will I get out of a 2mm Diamond Turning Tool?
This is heavily influenced by factors such as machine condition, proper tool calibration, coolant quality / flow, and material breakdown. On average, we see between 2800 and 3200 cuts per new tool.
How many cuts will I get out of a PCD Milling Cutter?
Similar to a diamond, there are numerous factors that affect the life of a milling tool. On average, we see between 20,000 and 30,000 cuts. Machine setup, proper tool calibration, coolant quality / flow, and material breakdown play a significant role.
How many times can I relap a 2mm Diamond Turning Tool?
This depends largely on the initial diameter of the diamond. We can usually sharpen 8-9 times before a diamond is too small to reuse.
Is there a way to tell whether or not a milling cutter (or diamond turning tool) is going to need relapping or retipping before I send it out ? I would like advice on how we may take better care of our tooling?
You should be able to see a chipped tooth with a good visual inspection before you send it out. A magnifying glass with a light might help.
A common cause of failure is coolant quality. Using the wrong additive ratio may cause premature wear. Concentrations too weak or too rich- can greatly affect your tooling life- we suggest using a refractometer each shift- daily at minimum. Debris in the coolant can cause chipping- confirm you have (the proper micron) filtration in place, and it's maintained / changed out and working properly.
Another possible cause is the alignment of the nozzles and how they are hitting the lens / cutter. Without proper cooling, the cutter will overheat and wear faster.
Next would be to check the machine settings. Are you cutting any block material or is the machine bringing the lens into the cutter too fast?
What can you do to refurbish a metal bond wheel?
We effectively rework these metal bond wheels – we recommend 2 retrues max – then purchasing new sets of metal bond wheels.
What is the difference between a synthetic and a natural diamond?
A natural diamond is exactly that, a naturally occurring gem. If you have ever purchased or received an engagement ring, you know that natural diamonds have inclusions, which can create slight variations in the consistency of the diamond itself. A synthetic diamond is produced in a laboratory and won't have any inclusions. Historically, a natural diamond produced better results, but a high quality synthetic diamond can now produce comparable surface quality to that of a natural one. The important thing is to weigh the differences and decide what is best for your situation.
What is the life of a 6E/7E hub after it is refurbished?
Life after a refurbish is comparable to that of a new stone. As always, the life is very material dependent.
What kind of life can I expect out of the synthetic (PCD) 6E/7E Hub?
This depends greatly on material type, but most people get about 2500-3000 cuts.
What kind of warranty do you offer on your products?
We stand behind our quality tools 100%. If used properly, and premature failure occurs, we will replace / repair.