Celebrating You
Welcome Aboard! - Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you. Take a look around - would love your feedback and contributions! ---Melissa
Laurie is an amazing person who has helped many over the years. She is one of the most giving, effervescent people I have ever met. Her energy lifts others up. She has incorporated her gifts in her everyday corporate work life–as well as the additional stuff she does – amazing, positive ‘stuff’! She is an amazing ‘connector’ – she helps others out of ‘heart’ and has introduced me to some amazing people.
She contributes to the Children’s Grief Connection – which raises money to send kids that have lost a parent(s) to a support camp @ http://childrensgriefconneciton.com/helpers
She has traveled (Trek) to Peru and raised money for the surgeries and volunteered in the surgeries and continues to support their events via their organization: www.smilenetwork.org
Laurie is an author and teacher, teaching about energy and our connection with ourselves and angelic realms beyond us. Laurie is also a corporate Executive understanding the balance in a corporate world and the spiritual world and the use of left/right brain. Her ability to understand and balance life assist her in her corporate leadership roles as well as her ability to teach and coach in global corporate settings that raise an individual, team or organization to higher levels of performance, success and consciousness. She has had the honor to lead, coach and teach in countries around the globe for almost 30 years. Laurie’s passion for people is to provide an experience that is open and supports personal growth and transformation….
It was Christmas week 2010. Our family decided this year to help those individuals that came upon difficult times due to loss of job, foreclosure, etc. Each year, my company, Sprinkler Services on Demand distributes money that was donated by its customers and also proceeds from scrap copper, recycled products throughout the course of the year.
This year we met a woman who was living in her car due to unfortunate family problems and loss of her job. No room was available for them at the nearby shelter – and this was already the Wednesday before Christmas! After several hours of persuasion to let us help her, she said she would think about it and if she accepted, she would meet us back at the location we found her the next day.
That Thursday, my family and I returned to that same area. Thankfully, so did the woman – after some heartwarming, tearful moments: we were able to help her get accommodations free at a nearby major hotel chain in Minneapolis for she and her children- all meals and incidentals included and paid through to the following Monday. We never knew her name, as I believe she was embarrassed and very protective (understandably so!) of her and her children's identity. We are thankful she had a warm place and a Merry Christmas and were there to help.
Every year, we get a few anonymous customers that roll forward small donations to help those who are in need – who have come across hard times. To those clients: Thank-You! and be assured that your monies go to those in need and remaining monies go back into the communities to food shelves, women's shelters, vets etc. I am very grateful to have built such a reputation and trust with my customers and for their continued generosity!
Thank you,
Andy Pulvermacher
Sprinkler Services on Demand
Norm Tomes from Clearwater, FL was honored to be one of many to participate in the Heart Walk on November 7, 2015. Norm stated that the total # of people who attended this event was 35,000 and all the proceeds went to the American Heart Association. All VSP locations participated in this event in their local area and it truly drew big crowds. This was the 1st time Norm participated in this walk and will be making this a tradition every year.
Norm, thank you for sharing…and “Thank you!” to all of you for showing up to help others. You guys are all truly Rock Stars!! **Photos courtesy of Norm Tomes*
​Meet Khristina Selley, the Consumables Sales Manager for Coburn Technologies, Inc. where she has worked for 3 years, coming from the industry-their parent company of Coburn, Gerber Scientific Inc. for 12 years.
Recently Khristina reached out to Jeanie Premium Products to distribute our carbide and diamond tooling and relapping and reblading services to extend their product line and what they can offer their customers. Khristina is a very busy person – she is married, also works nights and weekends at a local restaurant, raising two beautiful children Jaxon 6, and Sierra, 3. She is on the board for her town’s Youth Football League and volunteers during both football and baseball seasons. In the short time we have worked together – I can see what an effective person she is, with a stellar work ethic all the while is able to maintain her career, work, garden, and be there for her love: her family! Thank you for your positive attitude and work ethic and showing how ‘it all’ can be done!